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Ginger Shot Benefits

Wondering what a ginger shot can do for you?
You’re in the right place.
Whether I feel a cold coming on or need a pick me up a ginger shot is always there for me.
But the best bit?
Ginger shots have far too many health benefits for how small and delicious they are.

1. Ginger Wakes You Up

I love it in winter but really a ginger shot is good at any time of the year, the warmth that runs through you after you throw one back in the morning is incredible.
Plus you get the spicy satisfying taste of the ginger which kicks you in the butt and gets you psyched for the day.
I personally get a bit of a funny tummy when I drink coffee first thing so this is my secret weapon of getting up in the morning.

2. Kick Start Your Digestion

Ginger juice is always great first thing in the morning because it kicks your digestion into high gear increasing your metabolism. It does this by causing more stomach acid to be produced which allows for the better digestion of food.
And while more stomach acid might not sound great low levels of it can actually cause a lot of unpleasantness. Specifically, it can lead to heartburn after eating, bloating and stomach acid actually helps you better digest vitamins and minerals.
So a ginger shot not only gives you the benefits of an increased metabolism but it can help ease a lot of different stomach upsets.

3. Aids Weight Loss

Do you know the other benefit of having your metabolism increased? That’s right, it helps you burn more calories and lose weight.
And if your stomach acid levels are higher and you are better digesting your food you’ll actually feel fuller and more satisfied after you eat which can help ease cravings to snack between meals.
Plus ginger shots themselves are very low in calories to begin with so it’s a win-win!

4. Helps Prevents The Common Cold

If you mix some lemon juice into your ginger shot it will have double the cold-fighting power helping to ease sore throats and fight of the rhinovirus which is what causes colds in the first place.
Just throw back a ginger shot before bed and in the morning if you feel a cold coming on to keep the worst of the symptoms at bay.

5. Increased circulation

Even I was surprised to learn this one but Ginger can actually increase circulation as well as an aspirin can, helping to prevent blood clots and stroke which is awesome!
But please, if you’ve been prescribed a blood thinner by your doctor don’t throw them away! Always listen to your doctor!
Just enjoy a ginger shot as well.

6. Natural Anti inflammatory

On the same thought ginger is actually a great anti-inflammatory too! It works great for pain relief alongside an ibuprofen.
The anti-inflammatory and increased circulation make it a great post workout drink that results in increased blood flow and speedier muscle recovery so you can get back to the gym faster than ever!

7. Natural Antioxidant

Give yourself an antioxidant boost with a ginger shot because ginger actually has some of the highest antioxidant levels of all fruits and vegetables.
And antioxidants help with all sorts of things inside the body, but the best thing they do is to fight free radicals which are rogue molecules that float around and try and change cells in your body.
This can cause all sorts of problems, it can cause ageing in your skin, damage your hair and worse than that it can cause cells to become cancerous and even change your DNA!

8. Regulates Blood Sugar

Great news if you have type 2 diabetes because ginger can actually help manage sugar levels without insulin (again please don’t throw away your insulin….).
Longer term patients found their blood sugar levels more stable and balanced through regular consumption of ginger, cue the ginger shot waltzing onto centre stage, It’s the drink that just keeps on giving!

Side Effects Of Ginger Shots and Ginger Juice

Nothing is ever as perfect as I want it to be and ginger shots are no different, taking them regularly may have some side effects, but it’s best to listen to your body if it isn’t happy and talk to your doctor if you have any concerns or unusual symptoms.

Stomach Upset

While ginger can do a lot to aid your stomach and make you feel more comfortable some people don’t handle the spiciness of the flavour very well and it can lead to an upset stomach.
Nothing too serious, but ginger juice can lead to diarrhoea and general discomfort in your stomach. So if this happens you should of course not have any more and stop taking it!

When Is The Best Time To Drink A Ginger Shot

I think first thing in the morning gives you the most benefits, because it’s the best time to have your digestion started and it’s a great way to feel more refreshed and awake.
That said you can enjoy them pretty much any time of day as a pick me up but I wouldn’t regularly have more than one ginger shot a day unless it’s for a specific reason.

How To Enjoy The Benefits Of Ginger Juice at Home

Buying ginger shots can be expensive so it’s always best to make them at home in my opinion, and the absolute easiest way to do that is by buying a juicer.
You can see my top ginger juicer recommendations here.
It’s the most straight forward because you peel the ginger, put it in the top of the juicer and powerfully intense ginger juice comes out the bottom.
But if you don’t have a juicer you can make ginger juice in a sort of tea form by following the recipe below from my guide on making ginger shots.
  • 11 oz of ginger
  • 5 Lemons
  • Honey To Taste
  • Herbal Tea Bag
  1. Fill a pan with about 1.5L of water
  2. Peel and slice the ginger and add it to the water
  3. Slice 1 lemon and add it to the water
  4. Heat and simmer for about 45-60 minutes
  5. Juice the remaining 4 lemons
  6. Remove from heat, add lemon juice, and honey if you want some sweetness and the tea bag
  7. Leave to sit for an hour strain and pour into a bottle
And that covers it, I hope you enjoyed learning all about the health benefits of ginger shots and can start enjoying them yourself soon. And don’t forget to sign up to my newsletter to download the PDF of this article and discover the two other benefits of ginger shots.

8 Incredible Health Benefits Of Ginger Shots
