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Spinach juice provides a rich source of vitamins A and K. Minerals in spinach juice include magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and calcium. 
Spinach juice provides a rich source of vitamins A and K. Minerals in spinach juice include magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and calcium.

What are the health benefits of juicing spinach?

The health benefits of juicing spinach are many. Spinach is full of valuable vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. If you are not a big fan of the flavor of spinach you may be surprised to know the flavor of spinach juice is not very strong or unpleasant. In addition, learning creative ways to blend spinach juice with other fruits and vegetables will not only improve the flavor, but it will add valuable vitamins, minerals as well as pack a powerful punch of nutritional value to your meals. Plus, let’s not forget the treasure of antioxidants in these wonderful concoctions.
Chlorophyll is another benefit of drinking spinach juice. Spinach contains approximately 300-600 milligrams of chlorophyll per ounce. Chlorophyll has been found to be beneficial in increasing oxygen intake in blood. It neutralizes free radicals and therefore aids in deterring some cancers.
Ideas and things to consider - The fact is, spinach may not be the first choice for many consumers, many do not like the taste of spinach. However, study after study proves that green leafy vegetables are an extremely valuable addition to our diets. Spinach juice is a great alternative. Consider the following ways to creatively add spinach juice to your daily meals.

Ideas for using spinach juice

  • smoothies
  • juice blends
  • sauces
  • gravies
  • soups

Vitamins and Minerals in Spinach and their Benefits

Baby SpinachCitrus promotes the absorption of iron. Keep this fact in mind when juicing and creating your recipe variations when cooking or juicing spinach. 

Citrus promotes the absorption of iron. Keep this fact in mind when juicing and creating your recipe variations when cooking or juicing spinach.

What are the minerals in spinach juice?

Minerals in spinach juice include magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and even calcium. Additional minerals in spinach are potassium, zinc, iodine, and copper.
So why are the minerals in spinach juice necessary? Let's take a look at the various benefits.
Phosphorous – Phosphorous is wonderful for supporting strong bones and teeth by aiding in the absorption and use of calcium in the body.
Iron - Iron is excellent for supporting blood health and directly aids in the prevention of anemia.
Magnesium – Magnesium is an important element in supporting muscle and nerve function. Magnesium also aids in maintaining healthy bone structure, keeps heart rhythm steady and supports the immune system. Magnesium is also known to promote nomal blood pressure and regulate blood sugar levels.
Calcium – Spinach is a great way to add calcium to your meals. This is a wonderful alternative for those that have a dairy free diet. Calcium is a necessary component for maintaining and supporting strong bones and teeth.
Potassium - Potassium is essential for heart function, muscle contraction and supports digestive function. Did you know potassium is an electrolyte? Electrolytes are essential for normal cell and organ function.
Zinc - Zinc is vital in making insulin. Insulin is needed in regulating glucose levels in the blood. Zinc also assists in removing harmful toxins and promotes a healthy immune system.
Iodine - Iodine is important for proper hormone development. Inadequate amounts of iodine can negatively affect the thyroid.
Copper - Copper has anti-microbial properties and aids in preventing infection.

Spinach, Carrot and Apple Juice

Juicing tip - add citrus to help the body absorb the iron in spinach.

What are the vitamins in spinach juice?

Vitamins in spinach include vitamin C, A, E, K, B1, B2, B6 and Folic Acid.
Let's take a look at why these vitamins are an important addition to your diet.
Vitamin C - important for tissue growth and repair. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can block damage of certain free radicals.
Vitamin A - maintains healthy cells, particularly those which make up the eye. It also assists in supporting a healthy mucous membrane. This is vital in helping these mucous structures fight infection.
Vitamin E - important in the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant and protects our tissues from free-radical damage. It also assists in maintaining an overall healthy cell membrane.
Vitamin K - is a fat soluble vitamin. Vitamin K is essential in the effective process of blood clotting. Vitamin K aids in building strong bones and the prevention of heart disease.
B1, B2, B6 - are vital in converting foods to energy. B1 and B2 are thiamin, which aids in producing enzymes and energy. B6 is pyridoxine and is used by the body to break down protein and maintain the health of red blood cells.
Folic Acid - Folic Acid is part of the B complex set. It is necessary for cell growth and division. Folic aids in the prevention of anemia by aiding in the healthy production of red blood cells.

Weights and Measurements for Juicing Spinach

How much spinach do you need for juicing?

Approximately one pound of fresh spinach can produce just under 4 ounces of juice. Therefore, 1 pound of raw spinach gives you about 1/2 a cup of spinach juice.
I have created a measurement table below. These measurements are approximate and can vary based on the juice the spinach yields and the quality of your juicer.
Remember, low speeds are best when juicing spinach and other leafy vegetables.

Spinach needed for juicing

Fresh Raw Spinach
Juice Produced (approximate)
1 pound
1/2 cup
2 pounds
1 cup
3 pounds
1 1/2 cups
4 pounds
2 cups

Juicing spinach is easier and tastier when juiced with carrots and apples.

Tips for Juicing Spinach

Juicing spinach is easier if you follow these tips.
  • Ball up a handful of spinach before pushing it into your juicer's feeder.
  • Combine the spinach with a non leafy item such as a carrot or apple.
  • Adjust the juicer speed to low. This will assist the blades in effectively capturing the leaf and producing a greater yield of juice.
